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Пьеса «Италия – далекая и близкая» написана по просьбе итальянского композитора Рикардо Пьячентини. В пьесе сочетаются итальянские и казахские напевы. Сырымбет – название горы, у подножия
которой народный композитор Ахан-серэ сочинил свою песню о несчастной любви.
The composition Italy – distant and close was written along the request of the Italian composer Richardo Piacentini. There are combined the Italian and melodies. Syrymbet is the name of the mountain, where at its botton the national composer Akhan-Sere had written his song of the Unhappy love.
которой народный композитор Ахан-серэ сочинил свою песню о несчастной любви.
The composition Italy – distant and close was written along the request of the Italian composer Richardo Piacentini. There are combined the Italian and melodies. Syrymbet is the name of the mountain, where at its botton the national composer Akhan-Sere had written his song of the Unhappy love.
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